Talon Winery

Wingspan Rosé New Product Introduction

About This Project

The Rosé category has become extremely popular as consumers discover new and drier, more complex styles of this refreshing wine that originated in the Provence region of southern France. When we started working with Talon, the winery already had a couple of blush wines in distribution. One product, “Rosato”, a contrived, Italian sounding name, was actually a Riesling/Merlot blend. Its image and quality were not resonating with the trade and consumers, and sales were negligible.


As part of our strategy to “elevate” the Talon Winery brand, our recommendation was to discontinue Rosato, and instead, create a new Bordeaux-style blend utilizing appropriate grape varieties grown in Colorado. The resulting wine was fermented dry and on par quality-wise with California and French rosé wines within the same price range. Naming was simple: Talon already was marketing red and white blends under the “Wingspan” sub-brand, so we suggested Wingspan Rosé. And that’s how the “Wingspan Trio” came to be. Our work included all label design, collateral materials, distributor introduction, direct sales efforts to on- and off-premise accounts and consumer promotion.

Branding, Marketing, Packaging, Promotion, Sales & Distribution