Brandwerks has a great deal of expertise when it comes to strategic planning and facilitation. And also agriculture, including John Recca's early days growing up farming in California's Central Valley. Over the years, we have had the opportunity to work with many ag industry clients,...

We have been fortunate to work with Talbott Farms, one of Colorado's leading agricultural companies. The Talbotts are six generation growers located in Palisade on the Western Slope of the state. They are amazing folks, having worked and sustained their land, some 500+ acres, for...

Talbott Farms is a leading, family-run agricultural company located in Palisade, on the Western Slope of Colorado. The family has been farming for six generations, over 100 years, since 1907. They are the state's largest grower of those world renowned, always sought after Palisade peaches. Talbott...

Grandma's Frozen Noodles, founded in 1961, with over 50 years in operation is a successful company with fairly substantial distribution. They have a quality product, made the in the Old Word way; that is, with fresh ingredients and Bronze-drawn. The noodles (wide and spaghetti) have...

Talbott's Cider Co. is a brand owned by Talbott Farms. It's been around for five years and achieved good, but limited distribution within Colorado. When the 2020 COVID pandemic hit, sales immediately plummeted, primarily the result of the Company's over reliance on foodservice distribution. Brandwerks...

Talbott Farms is Colorado's largest grower of wine grapes with over 160 acres of Vinifera and hybrid varieties. The Company supplies some 34 wineries, and recently with Brandwerks' strategic direction, made the decision to create and distribute its own portfolio of wines. Centennial Cellars derives...

Colorado’s Strategic Plan for Climate-Smart Natural and Working Lands, published June, 2023, identified “priority actions across Colorado’s landscapes to increase carbon sequestration, reduce emissions, and create a climate resilient Colorado”. The Strategic Plan presents priority strategies, with details on implementation for various land types, including Agriculture...